Community events

At the Napoleons, even during the Covid crisis, we never gave in to digital everything.

evenement communautaires

When we return from the Summits, we often sense that our participants want to meet up again to continue the exchanges.

So we’ve decided to organise a whole series of small events in Paris to enable our community to get together and strengthen their ties, keep in touch, exchange ideas and inspire us all year round.
These are great opportunities to extend the discussions and debates initiated during the Summits, and also to choose together and elect the themes that speak to you most. The formats can be adapted to suit the participants. Some will be free, others paying. Some will be by invitation, others reserved for our members.
In all cases, our aim is to orchestrate events that are both regular and unique, to extend the unique experience that is the Napoleons.Imagination rules the world, and to feed that imagination, these bubbles of inspiration are here once a month!

We look forward to seeing you there…
Team Napo